Dividing of the Host

There should at any time be three separate Bretonnian warhosts operating at the same time in the Badlands area. These three armies are commanded by the three most senior knights in the campaign host, Sir Scot Schneider, Sir Stephan Schneider and Sir Robert Leslie. The three armies are split fairly evenly from the same overall host. Below is listed what I am assuming is the army granted to Sir Schneider by the King is roughly sized at. We are not playing by any rules that require me to use the exact same list with loses, but I am in my ambitiousness and love of self-torture creating some roleplaying restrictions on myself. I am going to create below three general layouts for 2,500 point armies that would be the typical force each of these three armies would be fielding.

The General Bretonnian Crusading Host:

  • 25,000 Peasant Levies
  • 5,000 Nobles w/ Squires
  • 175 Grail Knights
  • 25 Pegasus Knights
  • 50 Prophetesses and Damsels
  • An unknown number of pilgrims.
  • A vast armory and stables to armor and arm all the peasants and nobles for whatever duty they are undertaking.

The First Army - Sir Scot Schneider

The first of the three armies is led by Sir Scot Schneider, who is accompanied by his banner-man Sir Eddard Kaufman. Also riding with them is Lady Patricia, a Level 4 Prophet of Life and her little group of damsels.

Sir Scot Schneider - 259 pts
Lady Patricia: Lvl 4 Lore of Life, Warhorse, Silver Mirror - 280pts

Sir Eddard Kaufman: BSB - 145 pts
Damsel: Lvl 1 Lore of Life, Crown of Command - 105 pts

12 KOTR: Full Command - 312 pts
12 KOTR: Full Command - 312 pts

39 M@A: Full Command - 222 pts
16 Peasant Bowmen: Musician, Braziers - 106 pts
16 Peasant Bowmen: Musician, Braziers - 106 pts

5 Questing Knights: Full Command - 167 pts

12 Grail Knights: Full Command - 486 pts

Total: 2,500 pts

Sir Scot's army is intended to be a fairly balanced hammer and anvil Bretonnian list. He has in his host:
  • 9,979 Peasant Levies
  • 1,490 Nobles w/ Squires (298 of which who have taken the questing vows)
  • 150 of the King's Guard
  • 20 Ladies
Army at Hex 06:04.

The Second Army - Sir Stephan Schneider

The second army, led by Sir Stephan Schneider and his bannger-man, Sir Anders Leslie, is a more rash crusading host. It is intended to experiment with a more front-line heavy questing knight list. He brought with him a cabal of Beast Ladies. 

Sir Stephan Schneider - 228 pts
Lady Michelle: Lvl 4 Lore of Beasts, Warhorse, Earthing Rod - 265 pts

Sir Anders Leslie - 112 pts
Damsel: Lvl 2 Lore of Beasts, Dispell Scroll - 130 pts
Grail Paladin: - Grail Vow, Warhorse, Sword of Striking, Shield - 147 pts

12 KOTR: Full Command - 312 pts
15 Knights Errant: Full Command - 321 pts
16 Peasant Bowmen: Braziers - 101 pts
16 Peasant Bowmen: Braziers - 101 pts

9 Questing Knights: Full Command - 279 pts
9 Questing Knights: Full Command - 279 pts

Grail Reliquae with 17 Battle Pilgrims - 217 pts

Total: 2,492 pts

Sir Stephan's army is intended to experiment with some new tactics using a harder anvil than normal peasantry, and also to attempt to use Lore of Beasts in my lists. His crusading force has remaing:

  • 5,000 Peasant Levies
  • 1,991 Nobles w/ Squires (692 of which have taken the questing vows, most the rest too young to)
  • 25 of the King's Guard (the Grail Paladins)
  • 15 Ladies
  • An unknown number of pilgrims
9/8/1547 - This army had fought a battle agains the beastmen won, losing 9 knights and an unknown number of pilgrims.

Army at Hex 05:03.
In this army's next battle the limit for specials is increased to 75%.

The Third Army - Sir Robert Leslie

The final army is led by Sir Robert Leslie and his banner-man Sir Jon Leslie. Also Sir Cris joins this army to lead the peasantry to glory. This army is to allow me to use the concept of both an army of younger more experienced knights alongside a mainly peasant horde.

Sir Robert Leslie - 229 pts

Sir Jon Leslie - 124 pts
Sir Cris Schneider - 112 pts
Damsel: Lvl 1 Lore of Beasts, Warhorse - 84 pts
Damsel: Lvl 1 Lore of Beasts, Warhorse - 84 pts

13 Knights Errant: Full Command - 261 pts
15 Knights Errant: Full Command, Banner of Errantry - 341 pts
12 KOTR: Full Command - 312 pts

36 M@A: Full Command - 207 pts
36 M@A: Full Command - 207 pts
16 Peasant Bowmen: Musician, Braziers - 106 pts
16 Peasant Bowmen: Musician, Braziers - 106 pts
16 Peasant Bowmen: Skirmishers - 112 pts

6 Questing Knights: Full Command - 167 pts

Total: 2500 pts

Sir Robert's army is also an experiment with new tactics using Bretonnia. A weak anvil of peasants to lure the enemy in, and then a very hard hitting force of Errant Knights to hit a flank, using Errantry Banner and Wildform to create a 16 strong lance that will have 17 Strength 7 & 13 Strength 4 attacks on the charge, with a charge distance of 9+3D6" pick the highest plus D6", for a possible 26" charge range. I'm looking forward to see how this works.

In his host:
  • 15,000 Peasant Levies
  • 1,500 Knights w/ Squires (majority of whom are Errant Knights, about 100 having taken the questing vow)
  • 15 Ladies
Army at Hex 08:03.

Deviations From These Lists

It is unlikely that I will deviate from these published lists often. When I do it will be for fluff reasons and I'll make intents clear.

I have not assigned the small contingent of Pegasus Knights to any single army yet. Due to their use as both shock troops and messagers they can be considered part of any. I will likely have them enter the fray when I purchase a box of three sometime this fall.

Another big possibility is during siege games, switching to a more siege orientated list. I assume that my quartermasters and engineers would build two trebuchets for a small siege battle and I'd rather send more peasants to die on walls than knights, thus my lists would likely be modified in that manner.


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