Kings of War Hobby Update
The fantasy wargame that I decided to play after the dropping of Age of Sigmar was the game Kings of War by Mantic Games. Mantic Games had been planning on launching their 2nd Edition of the game the same summer that WHFB was killed. I noticed their advertisements and looked up their rules. After reading the rules one afternoon I knew it was going to be a top contender to replace WHFB. I pushed hard with my gaming group to ensure it would be our new game.
Kings of War, if you haven't tried it yet, is a classic rank and flank game. In the mold of Hail Caesar and Pike & Shotte (and most historical wargames) units are not made up of individual models with stats, but have their own stats. Models in the units are not removed as the unit takes damage, but damage, or shock, or hits are accumulated over the course of the game that can eventually result in a rout. This mechanic highly simplifies the game and streamlines the turns. Therefore you can easily get multiple games completed in a single evening.
The movement phase of the game is really easy to learn. Units all have a move stat which determines how far they can move a turn. If they travel less than or up to that speed they make one "pivot" around their center point at anytime during the move. Note that it is a pivot rather than a wheel. If they want to move faster they can go up to twice their move stat, but lose the ability to make a pivot. There are a handful of special rules that modify these rules of course.
A unit may charge up to twice their move stat as long as they can contact the unit they want to charge with only one pivot. Depending on the relative positions of the charging unit to the receiving units arcs they will charge either the front, flanks or rear.
You always want to get to flanks in the game. Doing so will double your attacks and significantly increase your odds of routing units.
Anyway, the game scratched an itch I didn't even know I had. I remember almost everyone saying they enjoyed the game much more than they every enjoyed WHFB.
2016 was the first official tournament season for Kings of War. I decided to build a brand new army, the Night Stalkers. They are an army of nightmares and things which stalk our dreams. I had yet to build a horror themed army and they appealed to my style of play. Plus it was an opportunity to try some new basing techniques.
I still have my Bretonnians, Dwarves and Goblins, which will slowly be converted over to Kings of War.
Kings of War, if you haven't tried it yet, is a classic rank and flank game. In the mold of Hail Caesar and Pike & Shotte (and most historical wargames) units are not made up of individual models with stats, but have their own stats. Models in the units are not removed as the unit takes damage, but damage, or shock, or hits are accumulated over the course of the game that can eventually result in a rout. This mechanic highly simplifies the game and streamlines the turns. Therefore you can easily get multiple games completed in a single evening.
The movement phase of the game is really easy to learn. Units all have a move stat which determines how far they can move a turn. If they travel less than or up to that speed they make one "pivot" around their center point at anytime during the move. Note that it is a pivot rather than a wheel. If they want to move faster they can go up to twice their move stat, but lose the ability to make a pivot. There are a handful of special rules that modify these rules of course.
A unit may charge up to twice their move stat as long as they can contact the unit they want to charge with only one pivot. Depending on the relative positions of the charging unit to the receiving units arcs they will charge either the front, flanks or rear.
You always want to get to flanks in the game. Doing so will double your attacks and significantly increase your odds of routing units.
Anyway, the game scratched an itch I didn't even know I had. I remember almost everyone saying they enjoyed the game much more than they every enjoyed WHFB.
2016 was the first official tournament season for Kings of War. I decided to build a brand new army, the Night Stalkers. They are an army of nightmares and things which stalk our dreams. I had yet to build a horror themed army and they appealed to my style of play. Plus it was an opportunity to try some new basing techniques.
I still have my Bretonnians, Dwarves and Goblins, which will slowly be converted over to Kings of War.
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