
A messenger arrived with a trade wagon not long after dark. The wagon was filled with caskets of Tilean wine and a note that the liquor was a toast to the capturing of the beastlord named Devorator. A sealed message bearing the sigil of Von Seitz came with the wine.

Sir Scot broke the wax seal with his knife and opened the letter.

Marshall Lord Schneider,

Many battles have I fought against this Beast foe called the Devorator. His chaotic strength is constantly growing as is his following. I commend you and your men on his capture. Please enjoy a case of some vintage Tilean wine as a toast to your victory.

Baron Von Seitz

Scot folded up the letter. He had also been told of his son's victory against the beastmen to the north. He was proud of Stephen's first victory, but upon hearing that he had kept the beastlord alive he was worried that when the news of his capture reached the other beastmen generals that war would breakout along the Arabyan Trail as they tried to free him.

Scot reached for his pen and a vial of ink. He penned a letter to send back to Von Seitz.

My compatriot,

I received news this morning that my son captured your beastlord in combat. Unless the savages offer a ransom for his release we plan to hold a trial for his crimes at Stormhedge the week of the Great Feast of Thanks in November. We offer an invitation to witnesses of his savagery to attend this trial before the executioner's blade takes his head and we mount it on a lance. Thank you for the wine.

Count Scot Schneider of Julian County


A squire entered the tent of Lord Stephen with a message. The beastman had awoken. Stephen strapped his sword to his belt and grabbed his helmet. He left the tent and with his two men-at-arms walked towards the prisoner train.

Tied to a post was the beastlord that he had knocked unconscious in personal combat three days ago, growling and howling at his guards. The wound on his abdomen had been sown shut and healed by one of the damsels. He was covered in dust and mud.

Stephen approached the beastman and asked, "Do you speak the common tongue, Devorator?"

The beastman snarled at Stephen and seemed to ponder a thought. Then in a deep and guttural voice growled, "I do..."

Stephen smiled, "Tell me, Devorator, do you know that you are a wanted man? My father has informed me that some Baron, Von Seitz or something like that, from Wissenland, has demanded your head. But you are more useful to us alive than dead. Do you understand that you could be granted freedom? At the right price?"

He hoped to negotiate for a relic for the beastman's freedom, but also for a vow that the beastmen would leave this section of the Arabyan trail and turn south. Who knows if you can trust the word of a beastman though.

The beastman was growling. It said, "You may call my acts a crime, but that man is responsible for the slaughter of many of my herdsmen." A flash of anger flooded into the eyes of the beastlord, "His head will roll by my battle axe, this I swear."

The beastlord's face gained a look of defiance, "As I can swear that my armies have already become aware of my capture and the force of the mighty Beastmen are marching north. Due to customs, while under enemy control, I am no longer in a position to negotiate. If you wish to do so take the medallion around my neck and travel south to find Flagel. The medallion will grant you safe passage and an audience. It is now his decision if I am still worthy enough to save."

The medallion was a silver circle medallion with a skull on it.

Stephen considered this offer. Was it a trap to gain a prisoner with which to negotiate with? There was no way that Stephen himself would risk riding into beastman territory to deliver a ransom message. He asked the beastman, "Will this Flagel negotiate with a representative from my banner, or must he speak to me?"

Devorator sneered at Stephen and growled, "You could always send me with them, I'll take good care of your men. I've instructed to my commanders that in any situation where one shows with my medallion that they be granted audience and state their case before they are slaughtered. Make sure your men don't studder and do a good job of relaying the message." With that the beastlord closed his eyes and lowered his head.

Stephen placed his right hand on his sword and with his left quickly snatched the medallion from around the beastlord's neck before it had a chance to bite at him. The beastlord made no move to attack him, which puzzled Stephen.

He turned away from the beastman and said, "Let it be known, Devorator, that if this is a trap, we will execute you for your deception."

Stephen didn't trust the beastman. Besides, he was plain enough in his speech, whoever delivered the medallion would still be slaughtered. He snatched the medallion off of the beastman. Sir Rodruck would ride south to find this other beastlord with an escort of knights. If it turns out to be an ambush it would be up to Rodruck to save himself.


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