Turn 2 Summary

Second Turn Decisions


John Warbringa and Jake Haas have negotiated an alliance between their Orc & Goblin and Chaos Warrior Empires.

John Warbringa and Lee Pottle have negotiated an alliance between their Orc & Goblin and Ogre Kingdoms Empires.

Derrick Sites and Kris Snyder maintain their alliance.

Random Events

Alex - 11: Recalled from War: Chooses to disband army at hex XX:XX.
Dan - 34: Bad Intelligence: Chooses to move Alex's army at hex 11:13 to 12:14.
David - 26: Seize the Crown: Vampire spies and infiltrators capture the Empire city at 11:02 in a coup.
Derrick - 32: Forced March
Jake H. - 13: Enemy Sympathizers: This turn, the Chaos Warriors make all fortification saves at an additional -1.
Jake V. - 45: Prepared Ambush: In next game may pick the scenario and who goes first without rolling.
Jared - 25: Grab the Gold: Chooses to steal mine at hex XX:XX.
John W. - 21: Stoking Unrest: Removes control of hex 06:09 from Jake V.
Jon S. - 31: The Winds of Change: Flying Fortress moves again this turn.
Justin - 24: Sappers: Chooses to destroy fortress at hex 02:07.
Kris - 43: Scouting Force: In next game may choose to redeploy D6+1 units after deployment.
Lee - [FLIPPED BY WIZARD TOWER] 51: Siege Force: Automatically capture an enemy tile if you win a battle there.
Rob - 11: Recalled from War: Chooses to disband army at hex 09:10.

Flying Fortress

The Flying Fortress is at hex 06:14


Alex - 13:14 stays
          12:13 to 11:12 [Invasion of Vampire Counts]

Dan -  11:12 stays [Stalled by Invading High Elves]
          10:13 to 11:13
          09:13 to 09:12

David - 13:05 to 12:04 [Contacts Empire Army]
            14:07 to 14:06

Derrick - 11:00 to 10:00
              10:02 to 09:03
              07:01 to 04:03 [Forced March]

Jake H. - 04:11: to 4:12
              04: to 03:08 [Invasion of Ogre Kingdom]

Jake V. - No movements given.

Jared - 11:04 stays
           11:02 stays
           13:04 to 12:04 [Contacts Vampire Count Army]

John W. - 03:11 to 06:10
               05:12 to 06:09
               03:12 to 05:12
               02:11 to 02:12

Jon S. - 08:11 stays
            06:12 to 06:11
            05:13 to 05:12 [Invasion of Chaos Warriors - Contacts Orc Army]

Justin -  05:06 to 06:04 [Invasion of Bretonnia]
             02:05 stays [Contacts Ogre Army]

Kris - 05:03 to 05:02
         06:04 stays [Contacts Beastmen Army]
         08:03 to 05:04

Lee - 04:09 stays
        02:09 to 04:07
        02:06 to 02:05 [Invasion of Beastmen]

Rob -13:06 to 14:05 [Invasion of Vampire Counts]
        10:08 to 10:07

Challenges and Battles

David's Vampire Counts and Jared's Empire forces meet in the mountain passes to do battle at hex 12:04. Not fought yet!

Lee's Ogres siege the Beastmen fortress of Justin at 02:05. Not fought yet!

Rob's fanatic pilgrims from the Empire invade the territory of David's Vampire Counts. When they arrive at the mine they find other Empire troops under the command of Jared. They must do battle for hex 14:05. Not fought yet!

Jon's Lizardmen invade the territory of the Chaos Warriors, but make contact with a horde of John's Orcs. The Orcs beat back the lizardmen army.

Alex's High Elves march on the dark keep of Daniel's Vampire Counts. The vampire counts force the elves to retreat.

Jake Haas's Chaos Warriors and Jake Vreeland's Lizardmen parried each other's strategic moves last month but did not clash at hex 05:09. Neither army can safely withdraw so must fight! Not fought yet!

Justin's Beastmen army led by the Chaos Lord Krail (spelling?!) marched against the Bretonnian Army of Kris, led by Sir Scot Schneider. The beastmen attacked the forces camped at hex 06:04, but were repelled after a bloody melee. Neither leader were harmed during the battle. The beastmen gain a burning hatred for the banners of House Schneider (gain hatred in next battle against Bretonnia), but one of their units was reduced to half its fighting force (one unit in the beastmen army must fight at half strength/wounds next battle).


Alex -

Dan -

Dave -

Derrick -

Jake H. -

Jake V. -

Jared -

John W. -

Jon S. -

Justin -

Kris -

Lee -

Rob -



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