August 2013 Updates and Painting

I've really lost track of keeping up to date with my hobby log over the last nine months. During that time our Warhammer fantasy campaign hit a brick wall and I discovered some Minecraft servers that really peaked my interest and filled my free time. I still played fantasy and 40k when I could, but my painting halted.

Sometime in February I discovered a Painting Challenge on Reddit's r/warhammer subreddit. The idea is that you challenge yourself and your gaming group to name a model or models they believe they can paint in a month. Then you all attempt to meet your goals! There are not prizes, just an oath and the shame of not meeting your goals. This really helps drive a lot of painters, especially those who want to show off their work.

 Thus my goal this month is to paint 25 peasants. I am really struggling to get all 80 of my peasants painted, but I think I can tackle 25 per month. I'll post progress pics as time goes on.

Updates: I started collecting a Dwarf Army. I was able to buy a nearly completed but unpainted 2000 point army for about $150, and they are going to function as my primary army until my Brets are fully painted. At that point I plan to swap them out and paint the Dwarves.

I've also started collecting a Khador Warmachine Army, but have yet to play the game. My Flames of War American Infantry Company is almost complete too, except it of course needs painted. I will probably swap them in to my painting challenges when I get bored. I also hope to buy a gaming table for my basement soon, so terrain will become a bigger priority too.


  1. Hey cousin! Me and my dad started warmachine as well he is rocking with Khador and I am starting with Menoth.

    1. I really need to learn how to paint red before I attempt to paint the Khador. I've thought about priming white, does that work?


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