My Imperial Guard Army

The Imperial Guard has always been my dream army in the Warhammer 40k Universe. The best things about the 40k Universe are embodied by the IG. The vast and uncaring bureaucratic leviathan that is the Imperial Guard is a perfect representation of the Imperium of Mankind itself. Men live and die under the banners of their regiment, and the men who order them to die care not for their names or stories. We love to read the stories of Imperial Guardsmen, such as Guant's Ghosts, not because they are superheroes and can conquer the galaxy, but because they must contend with the foes at the tip of their lasguns and those pushing them towards certain doom at the barrel of a commissar's bolt pistol.

I began collecting Imperial Guard in college with the purchase of a unit of Steel Legionnaires. They today are retired in my collectors box, waiting for active duty once again. When Cadians were released in plastic it was too hard not to pass up the cheaper alternative to the only decent looking guardsmen in the GW range. I bought myself two boxes of infantry (back when they came twenty to a box) and a chimera. I also was able to get a Leman Russ by trading a couple of my Steel Legionnaires. This tiny force barely scratched 500 points, and never won a game.

Now my army has rapidly expanded with the purchase of over 80 additional bodies, 2 additional Leman Russes, and 2 hellhounds. I've also expanded by including three commissariat and some heavy weapon teams. Below are some pictures of my IG army in its current status. The goal is to paint these units by the end of this year so that I can move onto a new project.

I still have tons of painting ahead of me. My final paint scheme will look like this:


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